The Husaren
This page lists all Husaren (Light Cavalry) Regts of the German empire in 1914. The Husaren Attila is found in black, brown, red, dark blue, light blue, and green. Ornamental braiding on the front, collar, cuffs and rear is found in white or yellow for men, silver or gilt for officers. The braiding and buttons matched the color of the metal fittings on the Pelzmütze (Busby). The color of the Kolpak (Busby bag) which hangs on the left side of the Busby was also specific to the Regiment. The chart below lists the Regiment and garrison, Attila color, braiding color, Kolpak color, and details of the Busby Wappen (front plate). For color plates of all shoulder strap cyphers, special pattern Litzen, and Busby Wappen, the links at the top of this page will open these color plates in a new window.
Leib-Garde Husaren Regt
(Potsdam) Garde-Korps
Ponceau Red Yellow Gilt Ponceau Red Gilt Garde Star
Gilt Garde star. Enameled for officers. See Husaren Plate 1
Leib-Husaren Regt. Nr.1
Danzig/Langfuhr) XVII Armee Korps
Black White Silver Ponceau Red Fatherland Bandeau & Silver Skull
Silver Totenkopf (skull). See Husaren Plate 1
2. Leib-Husaren-Regt. Königin Viktoria von Preußen Nr.2
(Danzig/Langfuhr) XVII Armee Korps
Black White Silver White Fatherland Bandeau & Silver Skull
Silver Totenkopf (skull). See Husaren Plate 1
LH Regt Nr. 2 wore a silver cypher on the white shoulder straps
Husaren-Regt. von Zieten (Brandenburgisches) Nr.3
(Rathenow) III Armee Korps
Ponceau Red White Silver Ponceau Red Silver Fatherland Bandeau
Husaren-Regt. von Schill (1.Schlesisches) Nr.4
(Ohlau) VI Armee Korps
Brown Yellow Gilt Yellow Gilt Fatherland Bandeau
Husaren-Regt. Fürst Blücher von Wahlstatt (Pommersches) Nr.5
(Stolp) XVII Armee Korps
Dark Red White Silver Dark Red Silver Fatherland Bandeau
Husaren-Regt. Graf Goetzen (2.Schlesisches) Nr.6
(Leobschutz, Ratibor) VI Armee Korps
Dark Green Yellow Gilt Ponceau Red Gilt Fatherland Bandeau
Husaren-Regt. König Wilhelm I (1.Rheinisches) Nr.7
(Bonn) VIII Armee Korps
Russian Blue Yellow Gilt Ponceau Red Gilt Cypher
Gilt Cypher for officers. See Husaren Plate 1
Officers in HR Nr. 7 wore a gilt cypher on the white shoulder straps.
Husaren-Regt. Kaiser Nikolaus II von Rußland (1.Westfälisches ) Nr.8
(Neuhaus; II & V Paderborn) VII Armee Korps
Dark Blue White Silver Light Blue Silver Fatherland Bandeau
HR Nr. 8 wore a silver cypher on the white shoulder straps
2. Rheinisches Husaren-Regt. Nr.9
(Straßburg i.E.) XV Armee Korps
Light Blue Yellow Gilt Light Blue Gilt Fatherland Bandeau
Magdeburgisches Husaren-Regt. Nr.10
(Stendal) IV Armee Korps
Dark Green Yellow Gilt Dark Pink Gilt Fatherland Bandeau
2. Westfälisches Husaren-Regt. Nr.11
(Crefeld) VII Armee Korps
Dark Green White Silver Ponceau Red Silver Fatherland Bandeau
Thüringisches Husaren-Regt. Nr.12
(Torgau) IV Armee Korps
Light Blue White Silver White Silver Fatherland Bandeau
Husaren-Regt. König Humbert von Italien (1.Kurhessisches) Nr.13
(Diedenhofen) XVI Armee Korps
Light Blue White Silver Ponceau Red Silver Fatherland Bandeau
HR13 wore a silver cypher on the white shoulder straps
Husaren-Regt. Landgraf Friedrich III von Hessen-Homburg (2.Kurhessisches) Nr.14
(Cassel) XI Armee Korps
Dark Blue White Silver Ponceau Red Silver Fatherland Bandeau
Husaren-Regt. Königin Wilhelmena der Niederlande (Hannoversches) Nr.15
(Wandsbek) VIII Armee Korps
Dark Blue White Silver Lemon Yellow Silver Fatherland Bandeau & Bandeau:
Silver Bandeau "PENINSULA WATERLOO EL BODON BAROSSA". See Husaren Plate 1
HR15 wore a silver cypher on the white shoulder straps
Husaren-Regt. Kaiser Franz Josef von Österreich, König von Ungarn (Schleswig-Holsteinisches) Nr.16
(Schleswig) IX Armee Korps
Light Blue White Silver Yellow Silver Fatherland Bandeau
Braunschweigisches Husaren-Regt. Nr.17
(Braunschweig) X Armee Korps
Black Yellow Gilt Ponceau Red Gilt Bandeau with Silver Skull
Kgl. Sächs. 1. Husaren-Regt. ,,König Albert'' Nr.18
(Grossenhain) XII Armee Korps
Light Blue Yellow Silver Ponceau Red Gilt Saxon Wappen
Officers in HR18 wore a gilt cypher on the white shoulder straps
Kgl. Sächs. 2. Husaren-Regt. Nr.19
(Grimma) XIX Armee Korps
Light Blue White Silver Crimson Red Gilt Saxon Wappen
Officers in HR19 wore a gilt cypher on the white shoulder straps
Kgl. Sächs. 3. Husaren-Regt. Nr.20
(Bautzen) XII Armee Korps
Feldgrau Subdued Grey Grey Light Blue Gilt Saxon Wappen