No Lip! On many German battleships, there is a "Lip" around the anchor chain hole. But on the Deutschland class, they are flush and faired in. Here is a picture of the S.M.S. Schleswig-Holstein on launching day 07 December 1906 showing this detail. |
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The Anchor Holes The anchor "holes" were then glued in place with epoxy and then faired into the hull with auto body filler. |
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The Hull-Keels Now it was time to do something that I had been dreading; I had to make the hull-keels along the sides of the hull. |
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The hull-keels are the protrusions on the hulls of some ships that provide stability. I had no-idea how to make these, but carefully marked where they would go. They would have to run parallel to the hull and follow the curved shape; but how was I to do this? | | |
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