References and Resources for How to Build a Battleship Model from Scratch
The SMS Pommern |
Resources |
Imperial German Photo-etched parts. My friend Peter Lienau became frustrated with the lack of accurate photo-etched parts for making Imperial German 1:100 ship models, so he started making his own. they are of the highest quality and are by far, the most accurate parts available. I have placed his entire catalogue on my web site, it is in .pdf format so you will require Adobe Acrobat reader to read it. It is quite large, over 1 MB but well worth the down-load.
*UPDATE 22 MARCH 2009* Peter is making a new catalogue and it will be up-loaded here as soon as he has it prepared.
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Proxxon Tools and Accessories One question I receive very often is "where can I buy a Proxxon bench saw and accessories?". I finally found a source in the USA and the service has been great. So I recommend The General Store. They offer an extensive range of rotary tools, mini bench top power tools, hand power tools, attachments and accessories designed for creative model builder, including Proxxon Tools. If you have already read Superstructure chapter, you will know that I love my Proxxon KS115 table saw! Proxxon is the undisputed market leader when it comes to a full line of value priced power tools and accessories such as drill/grinders, belt sanders, engravers, table saws, bench drill machines, band saws and a lathe-system. In addition to this, the line features useful attachments and a selection of accessories for all different kinds of applications. Click HERE to go the General Store web site.
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Web Sites |
Die Interessengemeinschaft Kaiserliche Marine A long-overdue web site in German and English for those of us with a strong interest in the Imperial German Navy. The main objective of the IGKM is to share information about plans, photos and modeling techniques. Click Die Interessengemeinschaft Kaiserliche Marine to open the site in a new window.
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The German Navy in World War I A wonderful site by Tom Tanner that gives information on both the actual ships of the German High Seas Fleet, but also a several pages of photographs of some superb models. Highly motivating!
Click The German Navy in World War I to open his site in a new window.
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References |
Planking Techniques for Model Ship Builders by Donald Dressel. This was a useful and inexpensive book that showed me how to do basic planking. Most "how to" books assume that the reader can plank a hull, this book assumes that the reader cannot. It gave me many useful tips on beveling the planks to fit snug, beveling the hull stations so the planks would lay flat, and many others. Dressel, an experienced modeler and engineer, describes a number of different methods for planking all parts of the model. Especially useful for the beginner, the book explains what tools and forms to use, what materials are needed and how to prepare the hull for planking.
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Ship Modeling Simplified by Frank Mastini. Although it deals exclusively with sailing ships, the author explains very clearly how to do certain
procedures in basic construction and gives many useful tips. This book was very helpful in walking me through the basic procedures for making a hull with the "Plank on Frame" technique. This would be a very good little book if someone was building a sailing ship for the first time. |  | |
Advanced Ship Model Building by Brian King. My friend Peter Lienau recommended that I find this book. This is a very good book for showing the modeler how to construct many of the sub-components of a large scale battleship model. It's one flaw, is that it is orientated at the advanced ship model builder (check the title of the book) and does not address any of the basic steps such as hull construction in any sort of detail. The text is in English and the color photographs of the completed models and components are superb. Definitely worth buying. |  | |
A Ship Model Maker's Manual. Laid out in encyclopedia style alphabetically, this book shows different parts of ships, but does not tell you how to make them. I paid too much for this book which gave me no useful tips or information. |  | |
Vom Original zum Modell: Linienschiffe der Brandenburg- bis Deutschland-Klasse by Koop, Gerhard / Schmolke, Klaus-Peter. This book was a disappointment. I was expecting loads of close-up detail photographs of the Deutschland class, but what the book contains is grainy, long-distance period post cards. There are a few decent line drawings of the Deutschland layouts but they are so small that they are of limited use. Overall, too broad a subject for a soft cover booklet of only 56 pages. When I told my friend Peter Lienau that I had bought it, he quoted the song "Money for Nothing" by Dire Straights. He was right.
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Der Modellnachbau von Kriegsschiffen by Willi Fraider. My friend Friedhelm Wahl encouraged me to locate this book. It was hard to find, but well worth the effort. This is an excellent book as it actually shows the reader in clear illustrations HOW to built much of the SMS Seydlitz, an Imperial German Battlecruiser in 1:100 scale. Although the text is in German, English readers can still make use of the clear illustrations and the color photographs of the completed models are highly motivating.
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SchiffsModell Extra Nr. 4 - Die Kaiserliche Marine This is a German publication and may be diffcilut to locate, but it is worth obtaining. Most importantly, it has an excellent series of photographs on how to mold and cast ship's boats from resin by Herr Lothar Wischmeyer.
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