- All Infanterie (infantry), Grenadier, and Füsilier Regiments except the kingdom of Bayern (Bavaria)
Top - Dunkelblau (dark blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
Cap Band - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
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- Braunschweigisches Infanterie-Regt. Nr.92 (Braunschweig) X Armee Korps
Top - Dunkelblau (dark blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
Cap Band - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
Tradition Badge- Braunschweig pattern Totenkopf (after 1912). The Braunschweig pattern Totenkopf came in two distinct patterns: a flat issued pattern and a three-dimensional private-purchase pattern.
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- All Bayern (Bavaria) Infanterie (infantry) Regiments
Top - Hellblau (light blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
Cap Band - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
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- All Feldartillerie (Field Artillery), Fußartillerie (Foot Artillery) Regiments and Pionier (Pioneer) Battalions except Sachsen (Saxon)
- All Verkehrstruppen Truppen. Verkehrstruppen were Transportation Troops; they included all Eisenbahn (Railway), Telegraphen (Telegraph), Flieger (Flying), Luftschiffer (Balloon and Zeppelin)
Top - Dunkelblau (dark blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
Cap Band - Schwarz (black) wool for Mannschaften (Other Ranks). Black velvet for officers |
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- All Sachsen (Saxon) Feldartillerie (Field Artillery), Fußartillerie (Foot Artillery) Regiments and Pionier (Pioneer) Battalions.
Top - Dunkelgrün (dark green) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Ponceaurot (poppy red).
Cap Band - For Dunkelblau Mützen the band was Ponceaurot (poppy red). For M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen the band was Schwarz (black) wool for Mannschaften (Other Ranks). Black velvet for officers
*Note* The Sachsen Dunkelgrün on issued Krätzchen is a very dark/black green. |
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- All Train (Supply) Battalions except Sachsen (Saxon). After 1912 Train Battalions became Train Abteilung (Detachment)
Top - Dunkelblau (dark blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Hellblau (light blue) up to September 1915
Cap Band - Hellblau (light blue) up to September 1915
*Note* AKO 21 September 1915 (31 March 1916 for Bayern) the piping and band on Feldgrau Mützen was changed to Kaliblau (potash-blue). See this cap on the Feldgrau charts. |
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- Kgl. Sächs. 1. Train-Bataillon Nr.12 (Dresden/Bischofswerda) XII Armee Korps
- Kgl. Sächs. 2. Train-Bataillon Nr.19 (Leipzig) XIX Armee Korps
Top - Hellblau (light blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping- For Dunkelblau Mützen the piping was band was Ponceaurot (poppy red). For Feldgrau Mützen up to September 1915 the piping was Hellblau (light blue)
Cap Band - For Dunkelblau Mützen the band was Schwarz (black). For Feldgrau Mützen up to September 1915 the band was Hellblau (light blue)
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- All Jäger (Light Infantry) Battalions except the kingdoms of Bayern (Bavaria) or Sachsen (Saxony)
Top - Dunkelgrün (dark green) - M1907/10 Graugrün (grey green)
Piping - For Dunkelblau Mützen the piping was Ponceaurot (poppy red). For M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen the piping was Dunkelgrün (dark green)
Cap Band - For Dunkelblau Mützen the band was Ponceaurot (poppy red). For M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen the band was Dunkelgrün (dark green)
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- Kgl. Bayer. 1. Jäger-Batl. König (Freising) I Bayerisches Armee Korps
- Kgl. Bayer. 2. Jäger-Batl.(Aschaffenburg) II Bayerisches Armee Korps
- Kgl. Bayer.MG-Abt 1 (Landau) I Bayerisches Armee Korps
Top - Hellblau (light blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Grün (green)
Cap Band - Grün (green) |
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- Garde-Schützen-Batl. (Berlin) Garde-Korps
Top - Dunkelgrün (dark green) - M1907/10 Graugrün (grey green)
Piping - For Dunkelgrun Mützen the piping was Ponceaurot (poppy red). For M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen the piping was Dunkelgrün (dark green)
Cap Band - Schwarz (black)
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- Kgl. Sächs. Schützen (Füsilier)-Regt. Prinz Georg Nr.108 (Dresden) XII Armee Korps
Top - Dunkelgrün (dark green). The Sachsen Dunkelgrün was darker than Preußen Jäger. - M1907/10 Graugrün (grey green)
Piping - For Dunkelblau Mützen the piping was Ponceaurot (poppy red). For M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen the piping was Dunkelgrün (dark green)
Cap Band - Schwarz (black).
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- Kgl. Sächs. 1. Jäger-Batl.Nr.12 (Freiburg) XII Armee Korps
- Kgl. Sächs. 2. Jäger-Batl.Nr.13 (Dresden) XII Armee Korps
- Kgl. Sächs. 2. Jäger-Batl.Nr.15 (Dresden) XII Armee Korps (disbanded to bring newly formed Kgl. Sächs. 15. Infanterie-Regiment Nr.181 up to strength on 30 March 1900)
Top - Dunkelgrün (dark green). The Sachsen Dunkelgrün was darker than Preußen Jäger. - M1907/10 Graugrün (grey green)
Piping - For Dunkelblau Mützen the piping was Ponceaurot (poppy red). For M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen the piping was Dunkelgrün (dark green)
Cap Band - For Dunkelblau Mützen the band was Schwarz (black). For M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen the band was Dunkelgrün (dark green)
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- Großherzoglich Mecklenburgisches Jäger-Batl.Nr.14 (Colmar i.E.) XV Armee Korps
Top - Dunkelgrün (dark green) - M1907/10 Graugrün (grey green)
Piping - For Dunkelgrün Mützen the piping was all Ponceaurot (poppy red) . For M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen the piping was Ponceaurot (poppy red) on the top and bottom of the band, but Dunkelgrün (dark green) on the top of the Mütze.
Cap Band - Hellgrün (light green)
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- Garde MG-Abt. (Garde Machine Gun Detachment 1 to 8)
- MG-Abt. 1-8 (Machine Gun Detachment 1 to 8)
Top - Graugrün (grey green) for both the pre war and M1907/10 Mützen
Piping - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
Cap Band - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
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- Garde MG-Abt. 2 (Garde Machine Gun Detachment 2)
Top - Graugrün (grey green) for both the pre war and M1907/10 Mützen
Piping - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
Cap Band -Schwarz (black)
 Click Once To Enlarge |
- I. Seebataillon Kiel
- II. Seebataillon Wilhelmshaven
- III. Stamm-Seebataillon Cuxhaven
- III. Seebataillon Tsingtau (Kiautschou)
Top - Dunkelblau (dark blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Weiß (white)
Cap Band - Weiß (white)
*Note*The Seebataillons were as Reich's asset, and only wore a single Reich's Kokarde on the lower band |
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