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Kaiser's Bunker Imperial German Cloth Headgear Charts
To make this reference easy to use, you can view the cap colors in seven different layouts. Click the links below to view in the following layouts:
Primary Arms
For your convenience, you may choose to view the chart below with Dunkelblau photos, or with M1907/10 Feldgrau photos. View in Dunkelblau. View in Feldgrau.
  • All Infanterie (infantry), Grenadier, and Füsilier Regiments except the kingdom of Bayern (Bavaria)
Top - Dunkelblau (dark blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
Cap Band - Ponceaurot (poppy red)

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  • Braunschweigisches Infanterie-Regt. Nr.92 (Braunschweig) X Armee Korps
Top - Dunkelblau (dark blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
Cap Band - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
Tradition Badge- Braunschweig pattern Totenkopf (after 1912). The Braunschweig pattern Totenkopf came in two distinct patterns: a flat issued pattern and a three-dimensional private-purchase pattern.

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  • All Bayern (Bavaria) Infanterie (infantry) Regiments
Top - Hellblau (light blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
Cap Band - Ponceaurot (poppy red)

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  • All Feldartillerie (Field Artillery), Fußartillerie (Foot Artillery) Regiments and Pionier (Pioneer) Battalions except Sachsen (Saxon)
  • All Verkehrstruppen Truppen. Verkehrstruppen were Transportation Troops; they included all Eisenbahn (Railway), Telegraphen (Telegraph), Flieger (Flying), Luftschiffer (Balloon and Zeppelin)
Top - Dunkelblau (dark blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
Cap Band - Schwarz (black) wool for Mannschaften (Other Ranks). Black velvet for officers

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  • All Sachsen (Saxon) Feldartillerie (Field Artillery), Fußartillerie (Foot Artillery) Regiments and Pionier (Pioneer) Battalions.
Top - Dunkelgrün (dark green) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Ponceaurot (poppy red).
Cap Band - For Dunkelblau Mützen the band was Ponceaurot (poppy red). For M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen the band was Schwarz (black) wool for Mannschaften (Other Ranks). Black velvet for officers

*Note* The Sachsen Dunkelgrün on issued Krätzchen is a very dark/black green.

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  • All Train (Supply) Battalions except Sachsen (Saxon). After 1912 Train Battalions became Train Abteilung (Detachment)
Top - Dunkelblau (dark blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Hellblau (light blue) up to September 1915
Cap Band - Hellblau (light blue) up to September 1915

*Note* AKO 21 September 1915 (31 March 1916 for Bayern) the piping and band on Feldgrau Mützen was changed to Kaliblau (potash-blue). See this cap on the Feldgrau charts.

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  • Kgl. Sächs. 1. Train-Bataillon Nr.12 (Dresden/Bischofswerda) XII Armee Korps
  • Kgl. Sächs. 2. Train-Bataillon Nr.19 (Leipzig) XIX Armee Korps
Top - Hellblau (light blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping- For Dunkelblau Mützen the piping was band was Ponceaurot (poppy red). For Feldgrau Mützen up to September 1915 the piping was Hellblau (light blue)
Cap Band - For Dunkelblau Mützen the band was Schwarz (black). For Feldgrau Mützen up to September 1915 the band was Hellblau (light blue)

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  • All Jäger (Light Infantry) Battalions except the kingdoms of Bayern (Bavaria) or Sachsen (Saxony)
Top - Dunkelgrün (dark green) - M1907/10 Graugrün (grey green)
Piping - For Dunkelblau Mützen the piping was Ponceaurot (poppy red). For M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen the piping was Dunkelgrün (dark green)
Cap Band - For Dunkelblau Mützen the band was Ponceaurot (poppy red). For M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen the band was Dunkelgrün (dark green)

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  • Kgl. Bayer. 1. Jäger-Batl. König (Freising) I Bayerisches Armee Korps
  • Kgl. Bayer. 2. Jäger-Batl.(Aschaffenburg) II Bayerisches Armee Korps
  • Kgl. Bayer.MG-Abt 1 (Landau) I Bayerisches Armee Korps
Top - Hellblau (light blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Grün (green)
Cap Band - Grün (green)

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  • Garde-Schützen-Batl. (Berlin) Garde-Korps
Top - Dunkelgrün (dark green) - M1907/10 Graugrün (grey green)
Piping - For Dunkelgrun Mützen the piping was Ponceaurot (poppy red). For M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen the piping was Dunkelgrün (dark green)

Cap Band - Schwarz (black)

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  • Kgl. Sächs. Schützen (Füsilier)-Regt. Prinz Georg Nr.108 (Dresden) XII Armee Korps
Top - Dunkelgrün (dark green). The Sachsen Dunkelgrün was darker than Preußen Jäger. - M1907/10 Graugrün (grey green)
Piping - For Dunkelblau Mützen the piping was Ponceaurot (poppy red). For M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen the piping was Dunkelgrün (dark green)
Cap Band - Schwarz (black).

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  • Kgl. Sächs. 1. Jäger-Batl.Nr.12 (Freiburg) XII Armee Korps
  • Kgl. Sächs. 2. Jäger-Batl.Nr.13 (Dresden) XII Armee Korps
  • Kgl. Sächs. 2. Jäger-Batl.Nr.15 (Dresden) XII Armee Korps (disbanded to bring newly formed Kgl. Sächs. 15. Infanterie-Regiment Nr.181 up to strength on 30 March 1900)
Top - Dunkelgrün (dark green). The Sachsen Dunkelgrün was darker than Preußen Jäger. - M1907/10 Graugrün (grey green)
Piping - For Dunkelblau Mützen the piping was Ponceaurot (poppy red). For M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen the piping was Dunkelgrün (dark green)
Cap Band - For Dunkelblau Mützen the band was Schwarz (black). For M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen the band was Dunkelgrün (dark green)

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  • Großherzoglich Mecklenburgisches Jäger-Batl.Nr.14 (Colmar i.E.) XV Armee Korps
Top - Dunkelgrün (dark green) - M1907/10 Graugrün (grey green)
Piping - For Dunkelgrün Mützen the piping was all Ponceaurot (poppy red) . For M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen the piping was Ponceaurot (poppy red) on the top and bottom of the band, but Dunkelgrün (dark green) on the top of the Mütze.
Cap Band - Hellgrün (light green)

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  • Garde MG-Abt. (Garde Machine Gun Detachment 1 to 8)
  • MG-Abt. 1-8 (Machine Gun Detachment 1 to 8)
Top - Graugrün (grey green) for both the pre war and M1907/10 Mützen
Piping - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
Cap Band - Ponceaurot (poppy red)

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  • Garde MG-Abt. 2 (Garde Machine Gun Detachment 2)
Top - Graugrün (grey green) for both the pre war and M1907/10 Mützen
Piping - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
Cap Band -Schwarz (black)

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  • I. Seebataillon Kiel
  • II. Seebataillon Wilhelmshaven
  • III. Stamm-Seebataillon Cuxhaven
  • III. Seebataillon Tsingtau (Kiautschou)
Top - Dunkelblau (dark blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Weiß (white)
Cap Band - Weiß (white)
*Note*The Seebataillons were as Reich's asset, and only wore a single Reich's Kokarde on the lower band

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For your convenience, you may choose to view the chart above with Dunkelblau photos, or with M1907/10 Feldgrau photos. View in Dunkelblau. View in Feldgrau.
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