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Kaiser's Bunker Imperial German Cloth Headgear Charts
To make this reference easy to use, you can view the cap colors in seven different layouts. Click the links below to view in the following layouts:
Ulanen (Lancers)
For your convenience, you may choose to view the chart below with Dunkelblau photos, or with M1907/10 Feldgrau photos. View in Dunkelblau. View in Feldgrau.
  • Garde-Ulanen-Regt. Nr.1 (Potsdam) Garde-Korps
  • Garde-Ulanen-Regt. Nr.2 (Berlin) Garde-Korps
  • Ulanen-Regt. Kaiser Alexander III von Rußland (Westpreußisches) Nr.1 (Militsch, Ostrowo) V Armee Korps
  • Ulanen-Regt. von Katzler (Schlesisches) Nr.2 (Gleiwitz, Pleß) VI Armee Korps
  • Ulanen-Regt. Kaiser Alexander II von Rußland (1.Brandenburgisches) Nr.3 (Fürstenwalde) III Armee Korps
  • Ulanen-Regt. von Schmidt (1.Pommersches) Nr.4 (Thorn) XX Armee Korps
  • Westfälisches Ulanen-Regt. Nr.5 (Düsseldorf) VII Armee Korps
  • Thüringisches Ulanen-Regt. Nr.6 (Hanau) XVIII Armee Korps
  • Ulanen-Regt. Großherzog Friedrich von Baden (Rheinisches) Nr.7 (Saarbrücken) XXI Armee Korps
  • Ulanen-Regt. Graf zu Dohna (Ostpreußisches) Nr.8 (Gumbinnen, Stallupönen) I Armee Korps

Top - Dunkelblau (dark blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
Cap Band - Ponceaurot (poppy red)

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  • Garde-Ulanen-Regt. Nr.3 (Potsdam) Garde-Korps
  • Ulanen-Regt. Graf Haeseler (2. Brandenburgisches) Nr.11(Saarburg) XXI Armee Korps
  • Schleswig-Holsteinisches Ulanen-Regt. Nr.15 (Saarburg) XXI Armee Korps
Top - Dunkelblau (dark blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Goldgelb (Golden yellow)
Cap Band - Goldgelb (Golden yellow)

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  • 2. Pommersches Ulanen-Regt. Nr.9 (Demmin) II Armee Korps
  • Königs-Ulanen-Regt. (1. Hannoversches) Nr.13 (Hannover) X Armee Korps (Avold, Mörchingen) XVI Armee Korps
Top - Dunkelblau (dark blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Weiß (white)
Cap Band - Weiß (white)

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  • Ulanen-Regt. Prinz August von Württemberg (Posensches) Nr.10 (Züllichau) V Armee Korps
  • 2. Hannoversches Ulanen-Regt. Nr.14 (Avold, Mörchingen) XVI Armee Korps
Top - Dunkelblau (dark blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Karmesinrot (crimson red)
Cap Band - Karmesinrot (crimson red)

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  • Lithauisches Ulanen-Regt. Nr.12 (Insterburg) I Armee Korps
  • Ulanen-Regt. Hennigs von Treffenfeld (Altmärkisches) Nr.16 (Saarburg) XXI Armee Korps
Top - Dunkelblau (dark blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Weiß (white)
*Note* On UR12 and UR16 Mützen, the white piping was carried on the top of the cap and above the band, but there was not a row of piping at the bottom of the band. This was unique to these two Regiments.
Cap Band - Hellblau (light blue)

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  • Kgl. Sächs.1. Ulanen-Regt. Kaiser Franz Josef von Österreich, König von Ungarn'' Nr.17 (Oschatz) XII Armee Korps
Top - Weiß (white) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Dunkelblau Mützen: The piping and band were Kornblumenblau (cornflower blue).
M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen: The piping and band were Weiß (white)

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  • Kgl. Sächs.2. Ulanen-Regt. Nr.18 (Leipzig) XIX Armee Korps
Top - Weiß (white) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Dunkelblau Mützen: The piping and band were Weinrotes (wine red).
M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen: The piping and band were Ponceaurot (poppy red)

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  • Ulanen-Regt. König Karl (1. Württembergisches) Nr.19 (Ulm, Wiblingen) XIII Armee Korps

Top - Dunkelblau (dark blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
Cap Band - Ponceaurot (poppy red)

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  • Ulanen-Regt. König Wilhelm I (2. Württembergisches) Nr.20 (Ludwigsburg) XIII Armee Korps
Top - Dunkelblau (dark blue) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Goldgelb (Golden yellow)
Cap Band - Goldgelb (Golden yellow)

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  • Kgl. Sächs.3. Ulanen-Regt. Kaiser Wilhelm II, König von Preußen'' Nr.21 (Chemnitz) XIX Armee Korps
Top - Weiß (white) - M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Dunkelblau Mützen: The piping and band were Hellblau (light blue).
M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen: The piping and band were Goldgelb (Golden yellow)

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  • Kgl. Bayer. 1. Ulanen-Regiment Kaiser Wilhelm II., König von Preußen (Bamberg) II Bayerisches Armee Korps
  • Kgl. Bayer. 2. Ulanen-Regiment König (Ansbach) II Bayerisches Armee Korps
Top - Stahlgrün (steel green)- M1907/10 Feldgrau (field grey)
Piping - Weinrotes (wine red)
Cap Band - Weinrotes (wine red)

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For your convenience, you may choose to view the chart below with Dunkelblau photos, or with M1907/10 Feldgrau photos. View in Dunkelblau. View in Feldgrau.
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