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Kaiser's Bunker Imperial German Cloth Headgear Charts
To make this reference easy to use, you can view the cap colors in seven different layouts. Click the links below to view in the following layouts:
For your convenience, you may choose to view the chart below with Dunkelblau photos, or with M1907/10 Feldgrau photos. View in Dunkelblau. View in Feldgrau.
  • Leib-Garde Husaren Regt (Potsdam) Garde-Korps
Dunkelblau Mützen
Top - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
Cap Band - Dunkelblau (dark blue)
Piping - Gelb (yellow)

M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen
Top - Feldgrau (field grey)
Cap Band - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
Piping - Gelb (yellow) to September 1915, Dunkelgelb (dark yellow) after.

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  • Leib-Husaren Regt. Nr.1 Danzig/Langfuhr) XVII Armee Korps
Dunkelblau Mützen
Top - Schwarz (black)
Cap Band - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
Piping - Weiß (white)
Tradition Badge - Silver Leib Husaren pattern Totenkopf

M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen
Top - Feldgrau (field grey)
Cap Band - Schwarz (black) wool for Mannschaften (Other Ranks). Black velvet for officers. Piping - Weiß (white)
Additional single row of piping above the band - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
Tradition Badge - Silver Leib Husaren pattern Totenkopf

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  • 2. Leib-Husaren-Regt. Königin Viktoria von Preußen Nr.2 (Danzig/Langfuhr) XVII Armee Korps
Dunkelblau Mützen
Top - Schwarz (black)
Cap Band - Schwarz (black) wool for Mannschaften (Other Ranks). Black velvet for officers
Piping - Weiß (white)
Tradition Badge - Silver Leib Husaren pattern Totenkopf

M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen
Top - Feldgrau (field grey)
Cap Band - Schwarz (black) wool for Mannschaften (Other Ranks). Black velvet for officers.
Piping - Weiß (white)
Tradition Badge - Silver Leib Husaren pattern Totenkopf

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  • Husaren-Regt. von Zieten (Brandenburgisches) Nr.3 (Rathenow) III Armee Korps
Dunkelblau Mützen
Top - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
Cap Band - Dunkelblau (dark blue)
Piping - Weiß (white)

M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen
Top - Feldgrau (field grey)
Cap Band - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
Piping - Weiß (white)

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  • Husaren-Regt. von Schill (1.Schlesisches) Nr.4 (Ohlau) VI Armee Korps
Dunkelblau Mützen
Top - Braun (brown)
Cap Band - Braun (brown)
Piping - Gelb (yellow)

M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen
Top - Feldgrau (field grey)
Cap Band - Braun (brown)
Piping - Gelb (yellow) to September 1915, Dunkelgelb (dark yellow) after.

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  • Husaren-Regt. Fürst Blücher von Wahlstatt (Pommersches) Nr.5 (Stolp) XVII Armee Korps
Dunkelblau Mützen
Top - Dunkelrot (dark red)
Cap Band - Schwarz (black) wool for Mannschaften (Other Ranks). Black velvet for officers.
Piping - Weiß (white)

M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen
Top - Feldgrau (field grey)
Cap Band - Dunkelrot (dark red)
Piping - Weiß (white)

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  • Husaren-Regt. Graf Goetzen (2.Schlesisches) Nr.6 (Leobschutz, Ratibor) VI Armee Korps
Dunkelblau Mützen
Top - Dunkelgrün (dark green)
Piping - Gelb (yellow)
Cap Band - Ponceaurot (poppy red)

M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen
Top - Feldgrau (field grey)
Cap Band - Dunkelgrün (dark green)
Piping - Gelb (yellow) to September 1915, Dunkelgelb (dark yellow) after.
Additional single row of piping above the band - Ponceaurot (poppy red)

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  • Husaren-Regt. König Wilhelm I (1.Rheinisches) Nr.7 (Bonn) IX Armee Korps
Dunkelblau Mützen
Top - Russischblau (Russian blue) Piping - Gelb (yellow)
Cap Band - Ponceaurot (poppy red)

M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen
Top - Feldgrau (field grey)
Cap Band - Russischblau (Russian blue)
Piping - Gelb (yellow) to September 1915, Dunkelgelb (dark yellow) after.
Additional single row of piping above the band - Ponceaurot (poppy red)

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  • Husaren-Regt. Kaiser Nikolaus II von Rußland (1.Westfälisches ) Nr.8 (Neuhaus; II & V Paderborn) VII Armee Korps
Dunkelblau Mützen
Top - Dunkelblau (dark blue)
Piping - Weiß (white)
Cap Band - Hellblau (light blue)

M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen
Top - Feldgrau (field grey)
Cap Band - Dunkelblau (dark blue)
Piping - Weiß (white)
Additional single row of piping above the band - Hellblau (light blue)

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  • 2. Rheinisches Husaren-Regt. Nr.9 (Straßburg i.E.) XV Armee Korps
Dunkelblau Mützen
Top - Kornblumenblau (cornflower blue)
Piping - Gelb (yellow)
Cap Band - Kornblumenblau (cornflower blue)

M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen
Top - Feldgrau (field grey)
Cap Band - Kornblumenblau (cornflower blue)
Piping - Gelb (yellow) to September 1915, Dunkelgelb (dark yellow) after.

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  • Magdeburgisches Husaren-Regt. Nr.10 (Stendal) IV Armee Korps
Dunkelblau Mützen
Top - Dunkelgrün (dark green)
Piping - Gelb (yellow)
Cap Band - Pompadour rot (deep pink)

M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen
Top - Feldgrau (field grey)
Cap Band - Dunkelgrün (dark green)
Piping - Gelb (yellow) to September 1915, Dunkelgelb (dark yellow) after.
Additional single row of piping above the band - Pompadour rot (deep pink)

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  • 2. Westfälisches Husaren-Regt. Nr.11 (Crefeld) VII Armee Korps
Dunkelblau Mützen
Top - Dunkelgrün (dark green)
Piping - Weiß (white)
Cap Band - Ponceaurot (poppy red)

M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen
Top - Feldgrau (field grey)
Cap Band - Dunkelgrün (dark green)
Piping - Weiß (white)
Additional single row of piping above the band - Ponceaurot (poppy red)

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  • Thüringisches Husaren-Regt. Nr.12 (Torgau) IV Armee Korps
Dunkelblau Mützen
Top - Kornblumenblau (cornflower blue)
Piping - Weiß (white)
Cap Band - Kornblumenblau (cornflower blue)

M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen
Top - Feldgrau (field grey)
Cap Band - Kornblumenblau (cornflower blue)
Piping - Weiß (white)

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  • Husaren-Regt. König Humbert von Italien (1.Kurhessisches) Nr.13 (Diedenhofen) XVI Armee Korps
Dunkelblau Mützen
Top - Kornblumenblau (cornflower blue)
Piping - Weiß (white)
Cap Band - Ponceaurot (poppy red)

M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen
Top - Feldgrau (field grey)
Cap Band - Kornblumenblau (cornflower blue)
Piping - Weiß (white)
Additional single row of piping above the band - Ponceaurot (poppy red)

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  • Husaren-Regt. Landgraf Friedrich III von Hessen-Homburg (2.Kurhessisches) Nr.14 (Cassel) XI Armee Korps
Dunkelblau Mützen
Top - Dunkelblau (dark blue)
Piping - Weiß (white)
Cap Band - Ponceaurot (poppy red)

M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen
Top - Feldgrau (field grey)
Cap Band - Dunkelblau (dark blue)
Piping - Weiß (white)
Additional single row of piping above the band - Ponceaurot (poppy red)

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  • Husaren-Regt. Königin Wilhelmena der Niederlande (Hannoversches) Nr.15 (Wandsbek) VIII Armee Korps
Dunkelblau Mützen
Top - Dunkelblau (dark blue)
Piping - Weiß (white)
Cap Band - Zitrongelb (lemon yellow)

M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen
Top - Feldgrau (field grey)
Cap Band - Dunkelblau (dark blue)
Piping - Weiß (white)
Additional single row of piping above the band - Zitrongelb (lemon yellow) to September 1915, Dunkelgelb (dark yellow) after.

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  • Husaren-Regt. Kaiser Franz Josef von Österreich, König von Ungarn (Schleswig-Holsteinisches) Nr.16 (Schleswig) VIII Armee Korps
Dunkelblau Mützen
Top - Kornblumenblau (cornflower blue)
Piping - Weiß (white)
Cap Band - Zitrongelb (lemon yellow)

M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen
Top - Feldgrau (field grey)
Cap Band - Kornblumenblau (cornflower blue)
Piping - Weiß (white)
Additional single row of piping above the band - Zitrongelb (lemon yellow) to September 1915, Dunkelgelb (dark yellow) after.

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  • Braunschweigisches Husaren-Regt. Nr.17 (Braunschweig) X Armee Korps
Dunkelblau Mützen
Top - Schwarz (black)
Piping - Gelb (yellow)
Cap Band - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
Tradition Badge - Silver Braunschweig pattern Totenkopf. The Braunschweig pattern Totenkopf came in two distinct patterns: a flat issued pattern and a three-dimensional private-purchase pattern.

M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen
Top - Feldgrau (field grey)
Cap Band - Schwarz (black) wool for Mannschaften (Other Ranks). Black velvet for officers.
Piping - Gelb (yellow) to September 1915, Dunkelgelb (dark yellow) after.
Additional single row of piping above the band - Ponceaurot (poppy red)
Tradition Badge - Silver Braunschweig pattern Totenkopf

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  • Kgl. Sächs. 1. Husaren-Regt. ,,König Albert'' Nr.18 (Grossenhain) XII Armee Korps
Dunkelblau Mützen
Top - Kornblumenblau (cornflower blue)
Piping - Gelb (yellow)
Cap Band - Kornblumenblau (cornflower blue)

M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen
Top - Feldgrau (field grey)
Cap Band - Kornblumenblau (cornflower blue)
Piping - Gelb (yellow) to September 1915, Dunkelgelb (dark yellow) after.

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  • Kgl. Sächs. 2. Husaren-Regt. Nr.19 (Grimma) XIX Armee Korps
Dunkelblau Mützen
Top - Kornblumenblau (cornflower blue)
Piping - Weiß (white)
Cap Band - Kornblumenblau (cornflower blue)

M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen
Top - Feldgrau (field grey)
Cap Band - Kornblumenblau (cornflower blue)
Piping - Weiß (white)

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  • Kgl. Sächs. 3. Husaren-Regt. Nr.20 (Bautzen) XII Armee Korps
Dunkelblau Mützen
Top - Feldgrau (field grey) (no Mütze with a colored top was ever worn by this Regiment)
Piping - Weiß (white)
Cap Band - Kornblumenblau (cornflower blue)

M1907/10 Feldgrau Mützen
Top - Feldgrau (field grey)
Cap Band - Kornblumenblau (cornflower blue)
Piping - Weiß (white)
Additional single row of piping above the band - Kornblumenblau (cornflower blue)

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For your convenience, you may choose to view the chart below with Dunkelblau photos, or with M1907/10 Feldgrau photos. View in Dunkelblau. View in Feldgrau.
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